with this being my first blog as well as my first blog entry, i thought that a good place to start would be an apology, for this and all future entries. i have to confess that i have never read a blog before (regularly anyway), but as i was setting this one up, i saw that you should choose a topic to blog about that you are familiar with. i find this too limiting, so as of yet, this blog has no theme.
regarding the name of my blog, all of the good names were taken or sounded like a porn site or both. however, i can't imagine who wouldn't be captivated by lucky charms and beer - together or separately (except perhaps my friend mary ann who thinks that the charms are too chalky). last, i should tell you, my nonexistent readership, that i don't like capital letters. i know this bothers some people.
I feel so honored to be mentioned in your first blog entry. I still do not like Lucky Chalk though!