Monday, September 17, 2012

famous people naked with beer saying funny things not eating cupcakes at publix

my blog entries generally get 50 or so views at the most (which is pretty good considering i have about 3 friends).  however, i had an entry that got over 1700 views.  it was one of my first blog entries - one that i wasn't particularly proud of - and it had the title "cupcakes at publix."  as it turned out, when you google searched "how much do publix cupcakes cost" my blog entry would come up in the search.

i did just change the name of that entry though after people searching for cupcakes wanted to argue with me over whether publix cupcakes are overpriced (which, for being mediocre at best, they so clearly are) and they wanted to criticize my lack of capital letters.  i am a lower case person.  that is just how it is.  if you don't like it, go eat your publix cupcakes and figure out how to rephrase your google searches.


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