Tuesday, March 31, 2009

on being a minority

my breasts are small. for those of you that know me, this is probably not a shock. for the rest of you, wow, i can only hope you were already sitting down because knowing that there is a woman out there with small boobs who has not had surgery to "correct" this must be startling. and you may be even more surprised to hear that i am not considering having surgery. there are many reasons why - the first of which is that i don't really want bigger boobs. please don't think that i am taking any moral high ground here or that, god forbid, i am happy with my body - i would love better (but not necessarily bigger) boobs (and i will spare you the details of how exactly i would improve mine). and i am certainly not opposed to plastic surgery. but it really irritates me how few women are left out there with their original breasts - and more importantly, how few clothing manufacturers are willing to make apparel for this small percentage of women. there are no AA bathing suits and try searching for AA bras on victoria's secret - the results are barely adolescent (and yet disturbingly somehow still sexy) girls wearing polka-dot bras. ironically, their most padded and push-up bras do not come in a AA. who would need padding and push-up options more than a grown woman with AA boobs? i recently ordered a tankini in an extra small - sure that this would fit. my package arrived and i quickly tore into it. it took me several minutes to shimmy the top over my shoulders and onto my mid-section and to my dismay, the suit was so tight around my mid-section that i could hardly inhale and yet the cups gaped completely open so that when i lifted my arms in the air (as much as the suit would allow anyway) both breasts were completely exposed. so inevitably, i hear society's message that my breasts are inadequate and that something must be done. unfortunately for me, a family history of breast cancer and a healthy fear of unnecessary anesthesia stand in my way of being a "normal" woman. oh well, normal has never really been my thing anyway. and who needs a flattering bathing suit that fits? it's not like i live at the beach. crap.


  1. Sounds like your million dollar idea... a bra, swimsuit company geared toward the small breasted. I've often thought of marketing pants to women with big legs. I've found as the sizes go up they just make the waist and ass bigger and leave the leg openings about the same. I've even tried on jeans that were too tight in the CALF!

  2. It must suck to be nicole or maryann. Perfectbodyly yours, Becky

  3. Nicole, I'm with you. However, I have moments of weakness when the plastic surgeon's number is in one hand and my phone is in the other. And then I remember what Mary Ann said, which is "you have the best of both worlds. When you want boobs, you can put them in. When you don't want them, you can take them off. Getting a boob job would be stupid."
    Thank you Maryann. You have successfully prevented a surgeon from making good money off of me!
    And, Nicole, if you ever want to start that company, I am an expert at doctoring up victoria's secret or any other secret so that they fit and/or enhance us abnormal women.
