Wednesday, September 5, 2012

i hate facebook people (as well as other types)

i quit facebook a few months ago. if you are on facebook, i suspect you don't even have to ask why. and if you were friends with me on facebook, i know you don't need to.  but of course, i am going to tell you anyway.  it's because i hate people.

i won't break facebook offenders down into detailed groups because i've already seen it done way better than i ever could.  but between the scripture-status-posting-religious freaks, the political pot-stirrers, people from my high school (there's a reason we don't keep in touch), the braggers, and the voyeurs, it put me in a bad mood - every time i got on.  i tried separating my friends into groups (those not-so-easily-offended and those never-offended) and i tried hiding people from my news feed.  in the end though, it was just too much to manage - and for what? to see photos of junior sipping a shirley temple in turks and caicos for his 4th birthday? to see my "friend" wishing her husband, soul mate, love-of-her-life and best friend of 13 years a happy anniversary - in a status update?  or perhaps just to know where my "friends" fall on the crucial chick-fil-a-position-on-gay-marriage issue.

but i am left wondering which is the real person, the facebook version or the real-life person.  with some people (and probably me), it seemed that the facebook person was just an exaggerated version of the real-life person - with the exaggeration being of their most annoying quality. with other people, the facebook person was a completely different person all together.  for instance, i met a girl in person and liked her and then she friended me on facebook and i couldn't stand her.  she posted about her kids all the time and was so super-positive that it literally made me nauseous. which one is real?  i wondered if facebook had saved me some time in real life by showing me what this person was really like or did facebook create an inaccurate image and ruin a perfectly good potential real-life friendship? i know it doesn't matter because i probably would have hated her eventually anyway.

ultimately though, i decided that life is too short to spend all of your time on facebook.  i resolved to quit and start doing something productive, creative, something that encouraged genuine relationships - and that is when i discovered instagram.  it's awesome and i already have loads of followers!

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